Christopher Snowhill

Blog archive

Warning: This is a really old blog backup, and a lot of my attitudes weren't realy that great back then. I've changed significantly since then, so some of the things I may have said back then were somewhat problematic. Try not to think too poorly of me reading this old mess.

Iโ€™m the most well adjusted person there is - February 14, 2013

I swear. Really.

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Of Tangents and Such - February 8, 2013

I seem to be going off on tangents a lot lately, my mind is going 90 miles an hour, every which way.

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Welp. - February 2, 2013

Let's see what happens when I unearth all those old crazyposts. The bad, the worse, the worst. What could possibly go wrong?

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Happy New Year - January 1, 2013

I think Iโ€™ll post this early. 3.25 hours early, approximately.

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Wrong Number - November 22, 2012

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Screw Windows 8 - November 16, 2012

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Better - October 28, 2012

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Just frigging great - October 28, 2012

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